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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Breaking Down The Myth: Relations

Guest Writer:
Robert R. Jennings

Women are in control of their relationships based on their ability to trust their mate/s, maintain sex appeal, and control their sexual prowess. Males are  accused of unfaithfulness in relationships far too much. A woman’s ability to keep her man stimulated can lead to a non cheating partner as well as a successful partnership. Some women accuse males of cheating without any hint of uncovering the truth. A woman that can balance trust, confidence, and freakiness is a woman that will develop a partnership into a marriage.

Gaining trust can be easy if you obey rules that trustworthy people go by. Women can be too truthful and hurt a man’s confidence; making a man go out and find someone willing to feed their bruised egos. Maintaining gained trust is something that women don’t do well. If you have a good man at the beginning, trust what you have learned and give him the benefit of doubt when something seems off. When a man is fed up with a woman who keeps falsely blaming him for sexual promiscuity he will eventually fall for a trap set before him, and cheat. Trusting too loosely can be a problem in a relationship also. If you trust a man too much, he may take the trust as freedom to go wild.

Women have a sexual nature in them that comes as naturally as the sun rising. Observant men notice this allure. Controlling your sexiness is the key to not being labeled a whore, but still being exciting. Men’s insecurities come from sexual constraints, or a partner’s willingness to experiment. When a woman is around her man and his friends she has to know when to turn it (him) on and off. Women who are cougars should become kittens when in the right situations.

Keeping up a man’s interest with sex appeal is a major way a lady can maintain a great relationship. Getting household chores done can be easier by providing sexual pleasures for your spouse. Men want to enter a fantasy land after work. Women lose fire in relationships faster than men, and then men think they have to compensate for something. Keeping up your sexy and appeal, ladies, can benefit you and your man.

Robert Randle Jennings is a junior at The LeMoyne-Owen College majoring in English. He plays baseball for LOC. His goal is to become a professional athlete, writer, and ceo. Contact Rob by email at

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