Monday, January 31, 2011
Breaking Down The Myths: The Funny Thing About Relationship Advice
Friday, January 28, 2011
Redefining the Labyrinth: Track 14
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Redefining the Labyrinth: Track 13
Featured Artist: DeVarius Fisher
Never Be Peace
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Redefining the Labyrinth: Track 13
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The State of Our Ideas
You know the drill by now guys. I catch up on my Teen Mom 2 while I recap what I saw on my television screen. Between our economic status, birds dropping dead, and the fact that we are in a gajabafillion dollars in debt, I figured it would behoove me to tune in and listen to my President speak. I’ve been looking forward to this more than my weekly affair with BET’s The Game. Besides, if I can recap word for word the happenings of a scripted drama about fictional characters, I can recap the words of a man leading a real country comprised of real people like you and me.
Above all of the major points that were brought out, the major chord that resonated within me is the importance in the POWER OF AN IDEA. "Innovation doesn’t just change our lives, it’s how we make our living.”
I watched the SOTU with my baby boomer parents who may not realize just in fact how much the world has changed. Just last week, I accompanied, ok forced, my mother to go by her first laptop and tied my father’s arms behind his back and waived a chicken wing in front of his face until he agreed to wifi the house. j/k. I read that 18-35 year olds spend an average of 40 HOURS a week on the internet. That’s a full time job. Is it because we are unemployeed and have nothing better to do, or are we starting to realize the earning potential the internet is capable of helping us generate.
To do this day, my father, who worked for the same company for 30 years still tells me to get a job. He doesn’t know that every time I crack open my computer in the comfort of my now internet ready home, I make money. Now, through the aid of mentors and supporters, I’m finally beginning to wake up to discovered that I’ve literally make money while sleeping thanks to the internet.
Do you remember a few years ago when Facebook was just another (Imagine a old man on his porch with no teeth saying) “Oh these kids are just doing nothing and wasting their time.” Now “these” sites are the proof of our existence, of company’s existence. It was once that you’re considering a nobody if you’re not in the yellow pages. Yellow pages? What’s that? Exactly. Someone came along with an idea. But it’s bigger than one person thinking of something. With the internet you have the ability to reach the largest audience ever: the World. Mark thought of facebook. We, his fellow generationeers (new word), sustains it. Whose waiting to sustain your next idea. What are you waiting for? Scared? This world is so ever changing that if you failed at a venture, by the next time Lindsey is behind bars again, everybody would have forgotten. Move on to the next idea.
We are the children and the children’s children of the baby boomers that they are always talking about. It is time for us to continue to step up to the political plate.
Invest in your ideas and realize the power within them and the earning potential. Earning potential that can stem far beyond money, but setting up a sound financial and moral future for OUR children and OUR children’s children.
Health care, energy, defense, debt, taxes...and the list goes on and on. All of these solutions I believe are being held hostage in the brain of someone in my generation.
Baby boomers, we appreciate it, we really do. But this is our time now and yes, I am really concerned about where are they gonna find this 55 billion dollars that they owe you through social security for your retirements, but who’s going to take care of us in our old age: our ideas.
Read his whole speech here:
Redefining the Labyrinth: Track 11
Monday, January 24, 2011
Redefining the Labyrinth: Track 9
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Redefining the Labyrinth: Track 7
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Redefining the Labyrinth: Track 5
Featured Artist: DeVarius Fisher
Trapped: The African American Nihilist
African Americans often have a misplaced affinity for the images of the hood. These influences affect the way we speak, act, and live. This is an issue that is primarily shaped by the things that happen in entertainment. While entertainers say that these images do not affect people, it is the root cause of how we assert ourselves in society. The media market displays images that do not inspire or give hope, they only contribute to the behavior of everyone which leads to nihilism.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Redefining the Labyrinth: Track 3
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Don't Cry Love
Welp, Valentine's day is 26 days away and stop pretending like you're not thinking about it in Mid-January. After the New Year, the ad campaign to put a Hershey's Caramel/Chocolate kiss in every American's hand only reminds me that, as it seems, once again, this will be the gazillionith year that I will possibly be Valentine-less again. But you know what, it's cool though. My fellow bloggers and readers love me, of this I am sure. Enjoy this poem about love and how I strongly advice against throwing that word around unless you really mean it. (As if, anyone really knows what it really means anyway).
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself...
Why wasn’t that just rude of me? I never considered the followers and continuous readers of the CB Publishing blog when I just up and started posting entries without the formal, “Hi, my name is...” I was so caught up in The Game season premiere last Tuesday, that I encroached on this blog’s territory. Well, in all honesty I am not exactly sorry, but this entry is just an excuse for me to take part in one of my favorite past times: writing about myself. Below is the excerpt from the autobiography that I am currently drafting with the working title, AWE: Amazingly Wonderfully Excellent: The True Documented Accounts of the Great Lisa B: Inside the Inside Story
....On a bright June 12, 1980-something day, the world got a little brighter around 6:30/5:30central as a new vibration of sound hit the ether causing a centrifugal force to spread throughout the atmospheric space. And yes, I did not look up any of those words to back up the validity of that sentence. Anyway, it is said that someone may have possibly not quite but maybe saw God’s teardrop fall into Lake Michigan causing the water to overwhelmingly tide over the shoreline of Gary, IN. His best work yet was being delivered not to far away at Methodist Hospital. After 3 seconds of painless labor, God’s bundle of grace was handed over to the joyous first time mother. Well, the mother actually had two other children, beforehand, but after cradling this angel, “the last shall be first” made sense to her. It is also recorded, but not really written down, that when the nurse smacked the baby’s bottom to hear the first cry as a sign of oxygen hitting the lungs, there came no sound. Instead the baby pointed to a nearby pen and pad. The nurse handed it to the Gift from God and to everyone’s amazement, watched the child write down, “Waaahh Waaaahhh Wah!” while humming Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing. Then the finger of that same small baby reached up to wipe away the lone tear that slowly trickled down the face of her mother. “Shhhh,” the baby comforted, “I’m here now. Everything will be alright.” The mother named the baby girl Queen Elizabeth Beasley. However, the same nurse who recorded the baby’s first authorial moment, misplaced the birth certificate and the child was hereby known by her nickname, Lisa B...
I know you’re dying to read the rest of my autobiography. For now, I’ll tell you all you need to know and the rest can be found on my facebook page. I write, act, sing, and dance. I’m a professional performer, spoken word artist, graphic designer, and lover of Jazz History which I believe tells the story of America. I’m in every relational position that a woman can be in, except wife, mother, and/or mistress. I started a company called Lifted Soul, INC in 2009 and so far, so great. I hope you check back often to read my factually based opinions.
Also, I’ll keep you posted on the autobiography that I am currently drafting with the working title, AWE: Amazingly Wonderfully Excellent: The True Documented Accounts of the Great Lisa B: Inside the Inside Story
Here are a few of the critiques I’ve gotten:
Trust me, you’re not gonna wanna put down this Almost but not really kinda sorta true story down. 5.6 stars.
-Nu Yurk Times
I’m turning into a movie.
-The Guy Who Made Avatar.
Lisa B.